How it Works

The Bioremediation Process

Bioremediation is the use of microbes to break down or neutralize “hazardous substances” or “contaminants” thereby removing dangerous chemicals from the environment. The science of bioremediation is listed as one of the USA’s Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) innovative technologies.

Microbial Lifecycle

Today, Bioremediation is used in commercial applications because:

  • 1 It is highly effective and sustainable
  • 2 Can be self-maintained with little effort
  • 3 It greatly reduces hazardous waste output
  • 4 It works across many industries and applications

Why it works

Together the microbial filter mat, fluid and machine harness the power of biotechnology to offer the user a modern parts cleaning experience.

The SmartWasher® system scales Bioremediation technology into an easy to use, self-maintained parts washer solution.


1. The OzzyMat® Filter transfers fresh microbes to the OzzyJuice® cleaner and traps particulates preventing them from contaminating the OzzyJuice® solution

2. Ozzy® Microbes eat organic contaminants as a food source and effectively eliminate these from the CRC SmartWasher® system as water and carbon dioxide through the process of bioremediation

3. The OzzyJuice® degreaser provides an optimal feeding ground for the microbes by efficiently lifting fats, greases, oils and other organic matter off the parts, emulsifying these and carrying them into the parts washer, making them accessible to the microbes

4. The CRC SmartWasher® Bioremediating Parts Washer offers temperature control to keep the microbes reproducing and healthy for bioremediation, a brush to provide mechanical cleaning where needed and an ecosystem where bioremediation can occur

The OzzyMat®: Advanced microbrial Filter Mat

The Key to the SmartWasher System
The OzzyMat® is what separates SmartWasher® from other parts washing systems. A high-quality, multi-layer filter mat containing state of the art microbes that allow the bioremediating, sustainable system to function.

Ozzy Mat
Advanced Microbe Delivery


  • The OzzyMat® utilizes a state-of-the-art process to deliver microbes into the OzzyJuice® solution each month.
  • This ensures the SmartWasher® can clean at optimum performance continuously.
Smart Filter


  • The OzzyMat® incorporates a unique weekly peel system, allowing for maximum filtration performance throughout the month.
  • At the end of the month simply roll-up the OzzyMat® and replace with a new one.
Sustainability That
Makes Sense


  • The OzzyMat® constantly refreshes that microbe activity in the OzzyJuice® solution, allowing for sustainable cleaning performance. 
  • If mainrained correctly, the OzzyJuice® fluid should never have to be changed out.

Real waste reduction and cost savings

CRC SmartWasher® Bioremediation System allows users to:


Dramatically reduce waste streams


Eliminate expense of hazardous liquid waste removal contracts


Realize overall savings from waste and contract fees

Asset 1

Solvent Parts Washer
377 Kilograms of Hazardous Waste

ONE SOLVENT PARTS WASHER holding 61 litres of solvent that is changed every 6 weeks generates 377 kg of waste annually.

Weight of Waste Generation per Year= volume of liquid x density x times liquid is replaced per year

Asset 2

Bioremediation Parts Washer
3.3 Kilograms of Solid Waste

ONE CRC SMARTWASHER® BIOREMEDIATING PARTS WASHER, changing one OzzyMat® filter per month generates 3.3 kg annually

Weight of Waste Generation per Year= weight of one OzzyMat® filter x 12 OzzyMat® filters used per year

Example of cost savings breakdown:

Solvent Parts WasherCRC Smartwasher® System
Waste Generation (Estimates)
Amount of fluid in Parts Washer61100lt
Filters12filters per year
Frequency of fluid Disposal70times per year
Weight of waste generated3773.3kg per year
Potential Cost Savings (Estimates)
Hazardous waste service costs€906per year
Cost of Filters€276per year
Cost of cleaning Fluids€1,440€375per year
Cost Savings€1,695 (72%) per year
Environmental Waste Eliminated374 (98%)kg per year

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